Take Action with WNDC

All Hands on Deck for 2024!

Do you stew over the news? Shout at GOP racist, sexist attacks on our rights? Worry that our country is being held hostage to a small group of extreme conservatives in the House? Join us to take action with other Dems to take back the House and keep the Senate and the Oval Office in 2024!

Get Active with Fellow Dems at WNDC’s Winning Wednesdays!

Join us for WNDC’s Winning Wednesdays! Grab a glass of wine, undertake some activism (postcard/letter writing or phone banking), and feel happier. (Seriously — research shows that activists are happier than non-activists.) We’ll be partnering with like-minded organizations, hearing directly from candidates and sharing strategies that we can use throughout the election cycle to support Dems up and down the ballot.

Register for WW Here