The Club


The Woman’s National Democratic Club (WNDC) is a hub for civic engagement, learning, and political action in the heart of the nation’s capital. WNDC is a meeting place for Democrats, independents, and progressives to come together to protect and promote our democratic values. We continue our legacy of serving as a forum for our community to engage in conversation and action to advance shared political interests.


The Woman’s National Democratic Club brings together hundreds of members of all genders living in the Washington, DC, area and builds power with our members across 23 states. Our passionate community is composed of leaders in government, the Democratic Party, progressive political and advocacy organizations, corporations, and private companies, along with activists, artists, and people who choose to be defined by a wide range of labels. We are joined together by a shared passion for politics and good government. WNDC is a member-led 501(c)(7) nonprofit organization with a board of directors and executive committee elected from the membership and a professional staff that works with the board and the Club president.


Washington is abuzz with people and organizations that care intensely about government, politics, and public policy. With so many diverse interests and goals, it is important to have a place for Democrats to come together to learn from each other, challenge ideas, and build and exercise our collective power. WNDC is that place. In our beautiful and historic home, The Whittemore House, we bring together experts and dedicated Democrats in joint efforts to support good candidates and advocate for better policies. We invite you to join us to help shape our contributions to our city and our nation.